To explore strange new worlds and new civilizations...

This blog is our attempt to bring you with us in our adventure through the UK and Europe. We're not only in search of new places, but direction, path, purpose, and a broadened perspective. If you're reading this, we invite you to grow with us, to share in our experiences that will certainly help define us for the rest of our lives. Something that powerful is certainly not something we'd want you, our friends and loved ones, to miss. So please, join us. Because these days will define us forever.

So, Allons-y!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ready or not...

Let's do this.

So Alex and I leave tomorrow. We hop on a plane, and the next morning we wake up in London. Almost as good as the naps in Kindergarten where they woke you up with goldfish and chocolate milk, but it'll do. ;)

Hopefully we're ready. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physiologically. I mean, we're healthy, we have everything we think we need in our backpacks from our packing list, and we have contingency plans. (Because let's face it, Dad taught us all about Star Trek as we were growing up. So we're "secondary backup" kind of people.) Personally, I'm feeling a little bit bulletproof these days. On the way home from Houston, I totaled my car. And by totaled, I mean I did quite a few flips in my car, not very different from what you see in car wrecks with stunt people in the movies. (I'm happy to know there's a potential for a career as a stunt-woman in my future. After all, it's good to have options.)

 "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion..." - Philippians 1:6

But fear not reader. I'm not updating this blog from the afterlife. I'm perfectly fine, and I'd say I'm better than fine. After finally landing, (upside-down I might add), I simply unbuckled (not even shameless plug for wearing seatbelts), and crawled out, and simply proceeded to take care of business: call Dad, get him informed of my location and on the way, and start cleaning up the stuff that came out of my car during the somersaults. I was able to see the beautiful sunset that I suddenly realized I was never promised. I was able to tell my dad, the rest of my family I called later, and many friends I love them. I went home that night to hug each one of my three incredible brothers, and have since had moments and days and hours and breaths that are nothing short of extraordinary opportunities to love the world and its people around me. I have the opportunity to tell each and every one of you how much I love you, and how incredible I think you are. Even though we've never met, the fact that we share humanity together and  life on this planet, that makes us brothers and sisters, and I truly think you are, in yourself, a miracle.

I'm even more convinced this pilgrimage is weighted with blessings, lessons, adventures, experiences, and meaning. To be given back my life, I have to say I'm no longer afraid. Of death, or of life, really. Because so often we run around life motivated by fear. We're afraid of our pasts, we're afraid of what the future might hold, we're afraid of looking like idiots if we say what's on our minds or what's really on our hearts. For what purpose? For the sense of regret we get when we wish we'd taken advantage of the opportunity to tell someone how we feel? For the sense of disappointment at having failed to seize an opportunity to have an adventure or do something extraordinary, simply because we were too tied down to believing the world wouldn't spin if we didn't hold things all together?

This life isn't meant to be lived in a dream. As much as I love NCIS, Heroes, Friends (for those of us that are old school), Burn Notice, etc, our lives are meant to be lived in incredible, extraordinary ways, not spent idly watching other people live their great adventures. You and I were not meant for a sense of regret, or to live within a sense of fear of what might be. You and I only have right now, and we were created to live full and abundant lives.

"For we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of strength and love..." - 2 Timothy 1:7

"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." - John 10:10

So despite the fact that I'm slightly bruised, and now without a car, a job, and some of my belongings that I think were left on the side of the highway, there's no turning back now, nor am I afraid of what might befall us in the days ahead. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that everything we need will be taken care of...

"The Lord will supply all your needs..." -Philippians 4:19

I won't be taking my cell phone, or my computer. If you want to keep in touch, email me at It would be a pleasure to hear from you!

"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." - Jawaharal Nehru

Monday, February 22, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

Have you ever been to a concert, the State Fair, or to Six Flags and had the thought, "This place would be great for a scavenger hunt"?? Think of all the random people you see, the strange attire, the oddly-placed clothing. Large crowds often bring out humanity's randomness and creativity at its best. For example, the mullet is a staple of any quality scavenger hunt. Double points if you get a picture with said person sporting the mullet. Triple points if said person is female.

So we want your help. Provide here in the comments section ideas for things to include on a scavenger hunt around the UK and Europe. The list can include types of people, specific places, abstract ideas to find creatively...basically whatever your inspired and clever mind comes up with and deems worthy of a backpacking scavenger hunt. We'll have our cameras at the ready with your fantastic ideas in mind, and I have no doubt it will bring a whole new level of adventure and entertainment to what is already shaping up to be one killer trip.

Thanks, people. =)

Now, who knows how to upload photos into this blog environment?


Friday, February 19, 2010

What the hell are you two doing?!

I'm glad you asked.

We're backpacking through Europe. Well, first we'll backpack through the UK. After all, if you know anything about Alex and I, you know how much we dig the British, their culture, their TV shows, etc. Ever since Dad introduced us to Doctor Who, our TV is tuned to either the SciFi channel, or BBC.

We're doing the only thing we can put our finger on that we want to pursue in life: travel. 
Ask us what we want to be when we grow up, and we might lie to you with some dream that seems like it might fit us. But the truth is, we don't have a clue what we're supposed to be or what we want to do. We have some ideas.
Ask Alex what he wants to study or where he wants to go to college, and while he has some ideas, I think he'd probably admit he's not really sure. Which I love about my brother, because frankly, he's one of the most authentic and honest people I've ever met.
Ask me when I'm getting married, starting a family, planting roots, picking a career, going to stop this nomadic lifestyle I've been doing for the last 7 years, and I'll sarcastically respond I have plans for all those things in about 12 years. And by 12 years, I mean right now my heart is in other places.

March 2008 I left seminary. I thought I was at my dream job, and I thought I knew exactly where my life was headed. Then I prayerfully made the decision it was time to stop going to seminary, and the vision went dark. All I knew for the next 1.5 years was that I wanted to go everywhere, meet everyone, and find God in all people, places, and situations. Vague enough? I thought so. And so the search began.

Now, 2 years later, I have the great pleasure of backpacking through Europe with my brother, and I can't think of anyone better to be traveling with. I can't think of anyone I would trust more to be on a trip like this with. Perhaps the next 3+ months won't give us any direction at all. And frankly, that possibility doesn't scare me. Because we are about to have one of the most life-changing and incredible adventures EVER. And if that's the extent of what this trip is, that certainly doesn't sound like wasted time to me.

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkien 

Jules: "I'll just walk the earth."
Vincent: "What'cha mean 'walk the earth'?"
Jules: "You know, walk the earth, meet people...get into adventures. Like Caine from 'Kung Fu.'"


In 10 days...

...Alex and I fly to London.
...We leave behind a great deal that our lives have grown accustomed to relying upon. 
...I leave behind a job, two towns filled with friends and loved ones, the security of having a defined path set before me.
...I put physical distance between the cherished fellowship and community of some incredible friendships.
...I must depart from roles I've served in, responsibilities I've carried, trusting that God was taking care of these people and organizations long before I came into the picture.
...we step out in faith, hoping that our path will be laid out before us, that we will have enough money to eat, sleep, find accommodations, and successfully move about the countries.
...I tell the American dream I'm not quite sure it's where I fit yet or how I want to be defined. The idea of immediately getting married, finding the job that lands me that impressive career, and planting roots simply doesn't appeal to me yet, despite the fact that I'm a 24 year old female who is supposed to live and breathe for that dream. I pass no judgement on those pursuing and living this dream, I think it's beautiful, and probably in my future. Consider me naive if you wish. But I have a severe case of wanderlust, and my God has been gracious enough to provide the means and opportunity for such a dream to come true.
...I step out in faith, trusting that "we will either be giving something solid to stand on, or we will be taught how to fly."

I'm thrilled, and at the same time experiencing tremendous peace, despite the natural fear that accompanies the fact that tomorrow is unknown. But isn't that what makes it exciting? :)

“There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it.” – Charles Dudley Warner


To blog...

I'm not used to blogging. I'm used to journaling. I love to write as a means of expressing myself and getting thoughts out of my head to deal with. Let's be honest, I don't even like to talk on the phone in front of other people. It's the fact that I have to suddenly be cognizant of all the ears listening. No longer am I speaking to one set of ears, whether on the phone, or my own in journaling, but now I have an audience, and a whole myriad of perspectives and interpretations comes into play. But the fact of the matter is, blogging is the most effective way we could come up with to keep in touch with everyone while we're overseas on our adventure. So for you people that I love so much, I'll face my stage fright and engage in this blog. Because I definitely want you to be able to join Alex and me in our journey if you so desire. The truth is this travel business has been a dream in my heart for 2 years, and probably almost the same amount of time Alex has had a similar dream. You'd have to ask him for the specific details. Needless to say, there's going to be a lot of growth for us going on in the next 3+ months. And instead of coming back from such a pilgrimage and having to make new friends with our old friends, how about we just be able to share in this journey together the best way we can? :) 

So, as the Doctor would say, "Allons-y!"
