To explore strange new worlds and new civilizations...

This blog is our attempt to bring you with us in our adventure through the UK and Europe. We're not only in search of new places, but direction, path, purpose, and a broadened perspective. If you're reading this, we invite you to grow with us, to share in our experiences that will certainly help define us for the rest of our lives. Something that powerful is certainly not something we'd want you, our friends and loved ones, to miss. So please, join us. Because these days will define us forever.

So, Allons-y!

Friday, February 19, 2010

What the hell are you two doing?!

I'm glad you asked.

We're backpacking through Europe. Well, first we'll backpack through the UK. After all, if you know anything about Alex and I, you know how much we dig the British, their culture, their TV shows, etc. Ever since Dad introduced us to Doctor Who, our TV is tuned to either the SciFi channel, or BBC.

We're doing the only thing we can put our finger on that we want to pursue in life: travel. 
Ask us what we want to be when we grow up, and we might lie to you with some dream that seems like it might fit us. But the truth is, we don't have a clue what we're supposed to be or what we want to do. We have some ideas.
Ask Alex what he wants to study or where he wants to go to college, and while he has some ideas, I think he'd probably admit he's not really sure. Which I love about my brother, because frankly, he's one of the most authentic and honest people I've ever met.
Ask me when I'm getting married, starting a family, planting roots, picking a career, going to stop this nomadic lifestyle I've been doing for the last 7 years, and I'll sarcastically respond I have plans for all those things in about 12 years. And by 12 years, I mean right now my heart is in other places.

March 2008 I left seminary. I thought I was at my dream job, and I thought I knew exactly where my life was headed. Then I prayerfully made the decision it was time to stop going to seminary, and the vision went dark. All I knew for the next 1.5 years was that I wanted to go everywhere, meet everyone, and find God in all people, places, and situations. Vague enough? I thought so. And so the search began.

Now, 2 years later, I have the great pleasure of backpacking through Europe with my brother, and I can't think of anyone better to be traveling with. I can't think of anyone I would trust more to be on a trip like this with. Perhaps the next 3+ months won't give us any direction at all. And frankly, that possibility doesn't scare me. Because we are about to have one of the most life-changing and incredible adventures EVER. And if that's the extent of what this trip is, that certainly doesn't sound like wasted time to me.

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkien 

Jules: "I'll just walk the earth."
Vincent: "What'cha mean 'walk the earth'?"
Jules: "You know, walk the earth, meet people...get into adventures. Like Caine from 'Kung Fu.'"



  1. Oh my two wonderful cousins! You have inspired me. Russ and I have been tossing the idea for a trip to Germany for a while now. I was just accepted into a summer opera program that offers a chance to perform and audition for a number of German Opera Houses, no pay of course. This news was met with more worry than enthusiasm from my parents. When is all of this going to end?! Unfortunately, as a young artist I am more focused on investing my time and energy in the next performance art project, opera performance, or community concert than picking up a mortgage. I say you are doing the world a service by exploring, questioning, and just having fun!

  2. Kathryn it's great to hear from you! Congratulations on being accepted into summer opera program, by the way. If you decide to act on it and come to Germany, there's a good chance I'll still be abroad, and would LOVE to see you if the opportunity arises!

    Thanks for the post - keep us updated on what you decide to do! Fantastic idea for you and Russ to travel to Germany! Love you much!
